Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Take the Flight of the BiTTeR and the SWEET

There is undoubtedly love in this world. Some of us are extremely blessed to be giving and receiving love daily, others are lucky to have experienced it in their lifetime.

For those who have never felt it, I pray that your heart is strong enough to endure the pain it might possibly bring, and that your spirit is also big enough and your arms long enough to receive its gifts.

You will feel like your heart is getting bigger and bigger everyday when you love, so much so you will feel that it might just explode! But the next day when you wake you will find that it just got that little big bigger. And the cycle amazingly repeats itself.

Your heart the size of your fist but, its magnitude and capacity far exceeds that of this universe.

We must have faith that we can endure all that life brings because indeed we can. All those lives lived are but examples of this. All those lived in glory, like Mother Theresa, Beethoven, Princess Diana, and Mahatma Ghandi signify this to a deeper effect.

Loves without conditions, let it bring you both tears of joy and sorrow. Let it show you how strong you really are whatever the outcome. Having loved and to love only makes you stronger.

My lessons have been bitter sweet, but most of all exhilarating.....

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